Views: 3 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-09-30 Origin: Site
Hebei Secure-Nett Steel palisade fences and gates for security purposes are also called SP fences. Security palisade fencing and gates in corrugated pales have higher security grade than general palisade fences and gates. Hebei Secure-Nett Security palisade fencing heights can be 3.0 m and 3.6 m, and fence posts at 2.75 m centres.
• Pales relevant load/deflection: palisade fences: the maximum deflection at the middle of the span under a test load of 3.5 kN shall not exceed 10 mm.
• Palisade fences the maximum spacing of pales centre to centre: 155 mm.
• Burrowing
• Palisade fences pales are extended by 150 mm and embedded in the concrete sill.
• Pales are extended by 350 mm and buried in the ground.
• Pale removal
Hebei Secure-Nett Fencing Company to increase resistance to pale removal, an additional rail fixed to the pales 100 mm from the bottom of the pales
• Topping
Palisade fences for further security against climbing, a spiked topping, barbed wire lines, or barbed tape concertina can be fixed to the pales.
When you contact Hebei Secure-Nett Fences, please provide your detail requirements. That will help Hebei Secure-Nett give you a valid quotation.